I've finished the first draft of book 4 in the Sophie Anderson series. Hooray. The deadline was actually 22 May, but I was overseas straight after and just got back a few days ago. Hectic times!
The fourth book is called The Killing Hands. But it's still a while until publication. It will be released in Australia & New Zealand first, February 2009. Other release dates for all my books are below:
US & Canada
The Murderers' Club (paperback) November 2008
Fan Mail (paperback) May 2009
The Killing Hands (paperback) November 2009
The Murderers' Club (paperback) 20 June 2008
Fan Mail (paperback) May 2009
The Killing Hands (paperback) November 2009
And I can't resist the temptation to spill the beans on one point from book 4...I did get to write a rather detailed sex scene, which was a lot of fun. But my lips are sealed about WHO it involves!
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