It is summer, and many tourists will flock to Paris. There are no bad times in which to visit this magnificent city, but summer seems to be the season of choice.
To avoid the tourist crush, I prefer anytime but summer; to be able to capture and breathe the sensations of this captivating city in relative peace.
The cafes are a lifestyle, slow, easy…relaxing; the continuous rush of the life glides by, while you sit in a café and enjoy that marvelous cup.
Visit the famous Café De La Paix, sit down-you might even be sitting down in the same spot as Chopin, maybe even Sand-they were among the many writers, artists, musicians who frequented the spot. Sit, enjoy and pay homage to a time long gone by-yet, it’s still there. That is the magic…
The Champs Elyssee, a must for any tourist, many cafes from which to chose-but, there is a new kid on the block; Nespresso has arrived -a 10,00 square feet ‘boutique’. I have yet to see it, rest assured I will - as I said it is brand new, just opened this June-oddly enough the time of my launch of A Hotel in Paris. Coincidence, I think not…
That particular touch of coffee nirvana you can have right in your own home, the machine is available to purchase from Williams Sonoma or go directly to
The coffee is excellent, the crema sublime, and it is easy to use. My greatest joy when I sit down to write or anytime I have a few moments, is to have a good cup of coffee, in fact many cups of coffee. Great coffee, solitude and writing…pure heaven.
Till next Saturday,
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris
Art brought her to Paris, then a stranger’s death changes her life.
Available on
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