Important Spinetingler Update For Authors of Submitted Works

This is an important message for writers waiting for a response to submissions sent to Spinetingler.

In the spring there were some web issues, and ultimately Spinetingler's hosting was moved to a new service. During the transitional period, e-mails were set to forward to the new e-mail accounts, as they currently do.

However, some of the initial e-mails forwarded were stripped of the original sender information. All attempts to recover those addresses have failed, and we cannot contact those writers.

This is where it gets tricky. There are some submissions dating from April 3-May 6 that we need to send rejection letters to. There are also some submissions from April and May that have not yet been processed, but we also do not have e-mail addresses for those authors.

If you submitted a story in April or May and have not been contacted by us, you are welcome to e-mail us at and include your name, story title, and the date you submitted your work to us in the body.

Please use the subject line "Status Update: April/May submission".

Writers should note that by May we were reviewing all submissions for 2009 Issues, and only approximately 5% of stories submitted are passing through to second review. Writers currently submitting stories to Spinetingler can expect to wait up to five months for a final decision if their story has passed through to the second review.

Please pass this information on as appropriate, as we're trying to reach the widest number of writers in the hopes of eventually contacting all who submitted work during the time we had technical issues. Thank you.

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