I was trying to post this as an attachment but the system seems reluctant to accept it... therefore, I have retrieved the article and posted it below. It would seem that the story would make great "mostly based on fact" fictionalization or a true crime if and when they ever catch who did it...Download Murder On The Cape.doc


CBS News retrieved from... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/03/06/48hours/ on March 6, 2007
Murder On The

(CBS) During the winter of 2002, the quiet Cape Cod community of Truro was rocked, when a former New York City fashion writer was found murdered inside her home. As correspondent Susan Spencer reports, almost everyone in the town became a suspect, when police decided to take a look at the entire male population.

Who killed Christa Worthington?

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Comment by Janet McClellan on March 8, 2007 at 10:54am
I'll do that. I did not care for the fact that it took up so much space... I will see what I can do.
Comment by Daniel Hatadi on March 8, 2007 at 10:11am
Interesting stuff, especially since we have a member called Christa. Maybe instead of an attachment you can post a link to that article, with a tasty paragraph underneath.

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