Finally! It’s coming.
Soaring around my brain,
Coursing through my veins;
begging, pressing, screaming to be released.
I want to; I want to get it out.
Need to, but it just keeps building,
Developing, growing, transforming.
Drawing strength as it grows in numbers, in type, in likeness.
It’s not ready yet, but it’s coming; fierce, like a tidal wave
under the sweet swoon of the moon.
Strong enough to change a mind, make you forget
others of its kind.
Right there, no, right here.
This is the place for it, it needs to happen here. It just feels right.
Put it down. Get it all down.
The want comes no more.
I can’t explain it.
The word. The word is a powerful thing.
LaTanya Pattillo 2007

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Comment by Robert K. Foster on April 20, 2007 at 2:03pm
The word, it'll be back, you know it will. :)
Comment by LaTanya Pattillo on April 19, 2007 at 1:16am
Thanks Mary! It's all about the wordplay:)
Keep in touch.
Comment by Mary Saums on April 18, 2007 at 11:31am
Hi, LaTanya - I can relate to the 'right there, no, right here' part! Words are elusive little suckers. :) Best of luck with your writing.

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