Sometimes you stumble upon a really creative idea

Every now and then I stumble upon another author who's doing something truly interesting on a website. I don't know this author. I don't know what she writes. I don't know what her stories are about. I only know that I'm going to buy her book. And then I'm going to re-think my own website. Take a look at her website and then come back and leave a comment.

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Comment by Karen from AustCrime on April 28, 2007 at 11:34pm
Interesting idea - if you're going to do a "brochure" site it's at least it's different - it loads pretty quickly and it's funny - so points for that. You're not going to get a lot of return traffic - but you are going to get a lot of "word of mouth" so unless she writes a second book - then maybe it doesn't matter.

It's certainly the sort of take that would make the book standout if you saw it again - whether it would send you off in a mad desperate search for it in the first place.........
Comment by Christa M. Miller on April 28, 2007 at 7:14am
You're more open-minded than I am, because it doesn't make me want to buy her book! It's interesting, sure, and not too annoying (meaning easily navigable enough)... and I hate to say it, but it's borderline pretentious. I'd need to see book reviews and/or pick it up in the store before I get more interested. Then again, I'm crabby and short on time these days!

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