Last week I complained about the number of, in my opinion, excellent crime writers who never have their work adapted for television.

This week BBC 1 showed the first episode of Holby Blue and rather proved the point I was trying to make.

Sadly there was nothing whatsoever original about this programme although it ticked all the familiar boxes, Maverick cop with a straight arrow partner? Check. Ditzy rookie who comes good in the end? Check. Cynical Desk Sergeant with a heart of gold? Check. On and on it went.

The acting was competent enough and the story line was of a sort that would be familiar to anyone who has seen the other programmes from the Holby stable, but I failed to see what we were supposed to get from this show we can’t already get by switching over to ITV and watching The Bill.

People who enjoy spotting ex soap stars in the way others spot trains of busses might have got something out of Holby Blue, but sadly I’m not amongst their number.

If TV shows received school reports the one for Holby Blue would definitely read ‘must try harder.’

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