THE DEVIL'S HEARTH (Amateur Sleuth-Georgia-Cont) – G+
DePoy, Phillip – 1st in series
St. Martin's Press, 2002 – Hardcover
Folklorist Fever Devlin has left academia and is moving back to his family home in the Blue Mountains of Georgia. However, he doesn't expect his reception to
be a dead body on his front steps and bullets headed his direction. When he learns with body is that of a half-brother, about whom he never knew, Fever decides he'd better learn more about his past.
With a mix of music, craftsmanship, food and moonshine, we are given a wonderful sense of life in Fever's Appalachia. But DePoy also includes the dark side of
folklore and secrets. Fever is an intriguing protagonist supported by interesting secondary characters and a few stereotypes to lighten the mood. Since I've already ordered the next in the series, I'd say that's a definite recommend.
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