Book Signings, Cell Phones, and Children on the Loose

I was at two book signings recently at my favorite book store. The signings and talks were interesting and informative. However, at one book signing, during the author's talk, several people had their cell phones go off, rather loudly too, and this kept interrupting the author's train of thought, as he continued to stop while the people answered their phones. Usually, I believe, at most signings people are asked to turn their cell phones off, or most know to do this. This interruption just drove several of the people in the audience to look at these others who were so rude to let their cell phone ring during the talk.

At another book signing, some of the customers brought their children along, since they couldn't get a baby sitter. Again, during the talk, the parents allowed their children to run through the store, and take books off the shelves and leave them anywhere they wanted to. I know that if I had done that when I was young, the consequences would have been dire and painful. What has happened to disciplining children to behave in public situations where there are adults speaking. It seems that the children now rule the world and the adults don't matter since the children never listen to the parents telling them "no".

Any comments on this or any other types of disturbing actions during a book signing are the new times, and thus, people brought up to respect and honor others has gone by the wayside.

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