Bowen, Rhys - Evan and Elle - G Is it Welsh nationalists versus foreigners?
Good twist

Burke, Jan - Bones - Ex 2001 TOP 10 - Good action, twists, deals with her fears

Butcher, Jim - Fool Moon - G+ Wizard versus warewolfs

Butcher, Jim - Storm Front - VG 2001 TOP 10 - Henry Dresden - Wizard versus wizard

Clark, Mary Higgins - Before I Say Goodbye - G Suspense and physic ability

Evanovich, Janet - Hot Six - G Series continues to be fun

Ford, G.M. - The Deader the Better - G At least he didn't kill off the girlfriend

Grishem, John - The Testament - G Different from others - billionaire estate to missionary daughter

Hamilton, Lyn - The Celtic Riddle - G Heirs given clues in Ireland,
daughter irritating at first

Harrington, Kent - Dia de Los Muertos - NR Mexico, illigals, corrept DEA officer, everything I dislike

Hoag, Tami - Dust to Dust - VG Police procedural

Jacobs, Jonnie - Murder Among Strangers - G+ Kate Austin - Kate is kidnapped

King, Laurie R.-Night Work - NR - Lesbian cop and her lover

Lehane, Dennis - MysticRiver - Ex 2001 TOP 10 - 3 boys later cop, crook and kidnap victim

Mayor, Archer - The Marble Mask - G Frozen body from 1947, French-Canadian gangster

O'Shaughnessy, Peri - Motion to Suppress - G Lawyer moves to Tahoe

Parker, Robert B. - Hugger, Mugger - G Southern family with racehourses - dialogue

Perry, Anne - Bedford Square - G Pitt - characters more interesting than story

Robb, J.D. (aka Nora Roberts) - Betrayal in Death - VG Love this series, suspenseful, sexy

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