New anthology market:
Notorious Press invites authors to submit short fiction to be
considered for inclusion in the upcoming mystery/crime
anthology HOW'D THEY DO THAT?
(temporary title)
edited by Jenifer Nightingale-Ethier. General theme requires
all stories to center on quirky methods of committing
or solving crimes. That’s right - the 'quirky' part can be acts
by either the criminals, the investigators, or both. This title
will be a POD trade paperback with a release date of early
2008 (probably first available at the Left Coast Crime convention
in Denver, Colorado, March 1-4 of 2008).
Reading window is now through October 21. We're seeking 10-15 stories of varying lengths and styles. Pay is $50 for standard length stories (3k to 8k),
and a little more or less for novellas and short-shorts. Originals preferred, but a very few reprints will be considered.
Queries & e-subs to the editor (that's me) at
Other questions? See full guidelines for this project and another anthology of Mystery/Horror crossover stories at the publisher's website,
I look forward to hearing from you!
Jenifer Nightingale-Ethier
Notorious Press (new small press)
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