Hmmm, what happens if I push this button

I'm not sure how all this goes, so bear with me. This is my first foray into social networking, and if you think I'm quiet and unassuming here, you should see me in real life (or "meatspace" as the kids call it).

But I wanted to thank you all for your invitations to be your friends. Fortunately, you didn't see me curl in my chair at the flood of e-mailed invites. Well, there were six of them, but compared to my spam list, that's rather a lot.

So as the vicar said in the bawdy house, I'm here, and I might as well make the best of it.

Views: 19


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Comment by Maxine on March 15, 2007 at 2:06am
Nice to see you here, Bill.
Comment by Bill Peschel on March 15, 2007 at 1:37am
Heh. Mount the guard and close the drawbridge. They're after me with torches!

Ironically, I count myself as a fan, too, I just didn't think much of that particular book. That'll look good on the tombstone.

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