On Grow Mercy I share a very personal tregedy with you, and I explain how Whale Song is benefitting others:
Let me introduce you to author Cheryl Kaye Tardif and her story…and how she is using one story to help homeless people.
Thanks, Steve, for having me visit Grow Mercy on Day 12 of my ‘Touring the World’ virtual book tour, where I’m promoting my latest novel Whale Song, a novel that will change the way you view life…and death. This is the first stop where I get truly personal, sharing a very painful part of my life…but one that is also filled with hope.
First, I’d like to pose a few questions. If you saw a beggar on the sidewalk, hand out for a bit of change, would you scowl, judge him and walk by? Or would you say ‘Sorry, I don’t have any change.” Or would you buy him a coffee and donut? Or would you hand him some money?...
Read the entire story at http://www.growmercy.org
This is also my big 44 prizes contest day. To qualify to enter you must order Whale Song today from Amazon.com or Chapters.ca! More on this at Grow Mercy.
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