So, I read Bust by mssrs Starr and Bruen. Jesus, did that book change my life! After wasting a good couple days swallowing that car wreck of the English language, following characters that were about as intersting as a census form and likable as the ex who gave you HIV, I've decided to finally pull Peter Pointer out of my muddy crevice and hammer the keys like they're the aforemention squeeze. Like every other wannabe this side of Cheeseville, I've hitched myself up to the NaNoWriMo... like it says in my profile, I wanna be down with the kids.
Anyway, in other news, there's a latin american dance troupe in town. They're here to tango their way through the theatre royal and I found out too late to get some tickets.
Ah well, just remember: Jesus loves you but I'll steal your wallet and stick my boot in your ass.
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