Granted I don't have any teenagers around here (or kids of any type for that matter - not even baby goats) but I was once a teenager and if I try really really really hard I can sort of remember what that was like.
So reading Dreamquake by Elizabeth Knox triggered a bit of a walk down memory lane. I'm not sure this is 100% a Mystery, but there is a bit of a mystery bent in what is ultimately a fantasy novel, but it's a fabulous book.
Publisher: Harper Collins
Author: Elizabeth Knox
Edition released: February 2007
ISBN 0732281946
514 pages
Genre: Young Adult / Fantasy / Mystery
Dreamhunters can catch and broadcast dreams. They are able to enter a sort of alternative reality - “the Place” and hunt and catch all sorts of dreams. They can then bring those dreams back and broadcast them to an audience of people. These performances are entertainment, sometimes relaxation, amusement or even healing. They can also sometimes be very very threatening. In Southland, a location that seems to evoke New Zealand, The Rainbow Opera is a Dream Performance / opera house with a central stage that Dreamhunters project from into small chambers full of their sleeping audience. The Rainbow Opera has had problems in the past with dreams and they are very serious about the management of their performances and their security. Even people living close to The Rainbow Opera have sometimes even found their sleep disturbed by powerful dream performances.
Rather than clutter up around here, if you're interested in the rest of the review:
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