ACTS OF DESTRUCTION - my new crime novel

'Acts of Destruction' is now available in paperback, and as an e-book. For details, please see

Here are the reviews so far ...

“funny, dark and charming” - Morning Star.

“splendid ... a fine story ...should be on everyone's summer reading list. Wicked sense of humour and tale that barrels along. We thoroughly enjoyed it.” - Eco-Logic Books

"Nothing I’ve read in ages has made me think more than Mat Coward’s ‘Acts of destruction.’ I seem to have forgotten that it is possible to think there can be alternatives to the ways societies and economies function. There really hasn’t been much thought given in the arts to what might be possible to routinely survive without cataclysm if a drastic shift of priorities – fuel, food, weather – forces change upon us. ‘Acts of destruction’ is a humorous crime novel ... There is invention, wit and wisdom aplenty."
- Dave Quayle, Lillabullero.

“I read very few crime novels these days, but I was in no way disappointed with this one ... it is a book which should spark discussion and bring some renewed hope ... I know of no other contemporary writer of fiction who is grappling with these urgent questions, and it was gratifying to find ideas of such import and imagination ... This is one to read and think about.”
- John Baker, author of ‘Death Minus Zero.’

“I would recommend Mat Coward’s book both as an intriguing murder mystery and also as a thought-provoking blueprint for a possible future for Britain.” - The Forest & Wye Clarion.

“A thought provoking book which works on multiple levels, both as entertainment and commentary, Acts of Destruction is an undeniably British but very accessible novel that demonstrates Coward’s imaginative verve and breezy, extremely readable style.” - Crime Scene Scotland.

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Comment by Mat Coward on December 18, 2009 at 1:14am
“This screamingly funny book is not only a whopper of a sci-fi/mystery, but also a rousing, snickering social statement.” - Mystery Scene.
Comment by Mat Coward on November 16, 2009 at 10:11pm
“Thought-provoking, entertaining and stimulating ... hugely readable and enjoyable.” - Interzone.

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