Angel With A Bullet receives its first 5-star review on Amazon

Angel With A Bullet receives its first 5-star review on Amazon: Nancy writes: "There is definitely a new "girl" detective on the scene, although she is neither a girl nor a detective. Dixie is well into her 30's and works as a investigative journalist. She has many of the fine habits that come with such a lifestyle, too much drinking, too many men, along with colorful and strange neighbors. In others words all the things required for a successful and interesting detective series. Like many of her contemporaries, namely; Lauren Henderson's "Sam Jones", Janet Evanovich's "Stephanie Plum" and Sparkle Hayter's "Robin Hudson", M.C. Grant's "Dixie Flynn" finds herself at the center of a mystery that the police aren't much interested in pursuing. Undaunted she starts digging up clues to why her ex-lover committed suicide is such a dramatic fashion. We quickly get to know Dixie and her co-workers and friends who populate a somewhat shabby side of San Francisco. The action is pretty much non-stop and the plot twists as nicely as Lombard Street. This is a solid, fun read and I'm looking forward to the next instalment."

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