I like to use this blog to direct you to interesting web sites, even if I choose my own. Today I’d like to introduce you to a fan named Ron Stutler.
I met Ron in a mall bookstore when I signed a copy of "Collateral Damage" for him. Recently he wrote to tell me that he read the book faster than he expected to. He compared it to past TV shows and movies, and said he appreciated that I could write an urban story without excessive foul language.
More interesting to me, however, is that Ron lives in Mareitta, Ohio, a historically significant spot on the Ohio River. He explained that his town was settled by Revolutionary War generals who were given the land to pay back war debts. He lives 15 miles from Blennerhassett Island where Aaron Burr was considering starting a new country in the early 1800's. It’s the kind of fascinating history that could make a great story someday.
I enjoyed chatting wit Ron and very much appreciated his feedback on my book, which is why his words are now in the
featured review space on my web site. Thanks Ron, and I hope you enjoy my other novels as much.
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