Audi's Superbowl "Green Police" Ad: Seig heil?

The award for the most off-target (I fervently pray) Superbowl ad is in: Audi's "The Green Police," a fascist nightmare that inexplicably parallels the 1950's-era anti-Commie paranoia films-- in the Audi ad,
presumably to sell eco-friendly vehicles.

It's jaw-dropping in its appalling "vision" of a police-enforced "green" society, in which only the driver of a bio-diesel car escapes the horrific consequences of
non-compliance. All that's missing are scenes from the
carbon-neutral concentration camps.

Unless this ad was a devious reverse-psychology experiment --did a cartel of petroleum companies and coal-mining interests secretly purchase Audi to sacrifice as a loss-leader?-- I cannot think of
anything so off-message having reached the commercial airwaves... ever.

The ad is online at

The Audi ad uses a tagline: "Green Has Never Felt So Right." May I suggest a new tagline for the company? How 'bout: "Ve haf vays of making you buy und Audi..."

--Earl Merkel

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Comment by Jon Loomis on February 9, 2010 at 9:57am
Hey, Earl--we agree on something! Terrible ad.
Comment by Dana King on February 9, 2010 at 9:17am
I thought the Audi ad was going to be for some conservative group to protest cap-and-trade, or some other environmental program. My mouth fell open when I saw they meant to portray the Green Police as a good thing. They missed badly with that one.

The Charger ad was cool, among the better ones in a pretty crappy lot. I thought the best ad was for the Google, describing an entire relationship through its search queries. Simple, and actually showed what benefit the product had, which was more than I could say for a lot of the ads.
Comment by John McFetridge on February 9, 2010 at 8:46am
I like the Cheap Trick song they used. But yeah, it was the Charger ad made me want to buy a car.

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