It was a really great weekend, starting with the very successful Loudoun County Public Library's Writers' Conference. My plot class was well received – I plotted a thriller from scratch with the help of the 25 or so attendees.
After the Loudon County event I headed to Borders Express in Dulles Town Center for a book signing. Aside from signing several books I had a chance to chat with Joseph O’Donnell, publisher of the Eerie Digest. His photographer took lots of pictures, many of which will appear in the magazine’s next issue.
The next day I had more book signing fun at the Taste N Books book fair. Each writer’s table held snacks supplied by the organizers. Since Hannibal Jones is a coffee connoisseur my table had free coffee for visitors. I signed some more books, and got to meet several fellow authors.
In other news, my novels are now available on Smashwords. This ebook company makes books easy to download and you can preview them on line. Their sample page allows you to change the font and size, the color of the text or the page, and the line spacing, just like most ereaders. You can test out their treatment of The Troubleshooter here.
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