As Charles Manson once said, "Are people strange, or am I just crazy?" Call me naïve, but as a published author myself, I assumed other authors must interact with booksellers as courteously as I do. I've always believed intelligence and unusual sensitivity to be typical traits among those who write. For the most part I've found that to be true. But I’m also a bookseller now — my husband and I own The Well Red Coyote bookstore in Sedona, Arizona. During my four-year tenure as a bookseller, I've discovered that, for a minority, common sense among authors is not as common as you might think. Read the rest.

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Comment by Kris Neri on December 10, 2009 at 12:31am
I was pretty shocked by some of the thoughtless behavior, too. Other writers have suggested to me that these people are clueless to start with, and then they're feeling desperate to sell books - a bad combination. Thanks.
Comment by RONALD FEASEL on December 8, 2009 at 10:42pm
Whew, I read the posts in your Authors Behaving Badly. I'm new to this but being a retired salesman I can't believe the rudeness of some people who are in reality salepersons. I appreciste your article and will act accordingly. Thanks Reid

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