Here is the list of suspects based on access and motive.
Husband – Kevin Matthews Doubled wife’s life insurance policy from one to two million dollars shortly after catching his wife having an affair with the last pool boy.
Sister in law – Daniela also known as Kitty Professional poker player. Disliked her brothers wife. Rumored to have had an affair with the pool boy who Mr. Matthews thinks is gay.
Maid – Audrey Likes to play the Power Ball lottery. Would loose her job if the Matthews move to Florida.
Butler – Antonio Would also be out of a job.
Grounds keeper – Pablo Likes to bet on the horses. Owed Mrs. Robinson a large sum of money. She threaten to withhold his pay until the debt was paid.
The Chauffeur - Chris
Will bet on anything. Once placed a wager on how long it would take a bead of sweat to drop from a mans face. Had joked with the staff about killing the pool boy.
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