We are launching a Best Band contest in CyberVillage. There's no cash prizes, but the bands get featured throughout the CyberVillage Network which includes CyberVillage SpotLight, CyberVillage TV, and more. We will use Google to determine which bands get the best comments all over the Web. We will also look closely at the bands own sites, FaceBook and MYSpace, to see what comments are made to judge the weekly and quarterly winners. Yearly winners will be judged by the Web community.

Submit your band by going here. A new band will be chosen every week once we kick it off. Bands are judged mostly on how people comment about the bands. We will scour the Web using our advanced Google tools and methods. We will seek comments and find what fans, or people in general, say about your band. We look EVERYPLACE, including your FaceBook and MySpace pages! The number of fans, traffic and professional reviews will NOT be considered. If you have 10 fans in Facebook, or TEN THOUSAND, you have an equal chance of becoming the CyberVillage SpotLight Best Band of the Week.

We will pick three Best Bands per year and ask our CyberVillage members to vote by listening to your bands music to determine the Best Band of the year!

Weekly winners get featured for one month, the three yearly winners get featured for a quarter and the final yearly winner for a year. GOOD LUCK! - Rob :)

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Comment by Benjamin Sobieck on August 7, 2009 at 2:13pm
I know you went through the effort of pressing ctrl-V, but how is this related to crime fiction? A quick read does not make obvious how your BSP is relevant to the purpose of this site.

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