A few months ago, the moderator of the Book Club at the John C. Fremont library in Florence, CO contacted me to arrange for me to speak to her group in January. Then the Writing Club at the library found out about the event and asked if they could come, too. Then the Assistant Director of the library found out about it and asked if other library patrons could attend if they wished. I'm always of the mindset "the more the merrier" so I ageed to all the changes.

Now the event is being publicized on the library's blog ( http://florencecolibrary.org/programs.htm ) and fliers have been made to pass out to library visitors. So, I'll invite my blog readers in Colorado to "come on down!" As I said, the more the merrier! Here's the scoop:

Thursday, January 8, 2009, 11:30 a.m.
Meeting with Book Club, Writing Group, and public
John C. Fremont Library
130 Church Avenue, Florence, CO 81226

You could even combine the event with an afternoon tour of the Colorado Prison Museum in nearby Canon City ( http://www.prisonmuseum.org/ ) and make it a day of mystery, mayhem, and murder!

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