I work at www.thecopia.com, which is an ebook store in BETA. We are giving away 7 free quality eBooks (Brave New World, Slaughterhouse Five, A Passage to India,  Shoeless Joe etc)

The only mysteries we are giving away are of the Harlequin variety.

By the way: Copia eBooks are different from all other ebooks, in that you can take notes on books and then share those notes, so other readers of the same book can see your annotation. So if anyone wanted to create a special annotated edition of a book, you could get it on Copia, annotate it, and then sell it as a "special edition."


7 books offer: http://www.thecopia.com/catalog/index.html#mainTabs=4

romance offer: http://www.thecopia.com/catalog/index.html#mainTabs=5

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