My ARC's for HER HIGHNESS' FIRST MURDER arrived yesterday afternoon, and suddenly life is teeming with things to do.
First, here's what it could mean to you. It's a Tudor mystery focusing on Princess Elizabeth during Henry's last year of life. If you'd like a copy of the ARC, make a comment on this blog ("Hi Peg I want the book" is good enough, or you can actually read something and respond.) One week from today (Friday, September 4) I'll put the names of everyone who has commented in a (University of Michigan) cap and let my hubby pick the winner.
Now what it means to me. A lot of you know already. Suddenly there are bookmarks to be printed, announcements to be made, sales sheets to be devised, website pages to be updated, and copies to be mailed. It's when this writer would most appreciate a secretary and when I realize that the only person both available and competent for the job is me.
So why am I talking to you guys? I have to get to work!
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