This week I'm out doing library talks, and that means getting those ducks in a row. Do I have enough cards, books, handouts, and such? How will I look after a long drive on a hot day? And worst of all, will anyone care enough to show up?

Second-time authors aren't exactly hot properties, and while libraries are usually willing to let me do my schtick, there's no guarantee patrons will show up to watch. I combat the no-name problem by approaching with a theme rather than just "Come Here and Buy My Book." I've done a ton of research on mysteries and mystery writers, and I lead a talk in which attendees share experiences with favorite writers, books, or subgenres. I also have other subjects of interest to readers so libraries can ask me back once they find out I'm not dull as dishwater.

Does it work? That depends on the area, the weather, and the mood of the local residents. Some librarians tell me frankly that they don't get many people who read for pleasure, and that's sad. Others are thrilled because mysteries are so popular that patrons flock to anything that concerns them. More than anything else I consider these talks a chance to get recognition, so that when a person sees my name or my book, a bell rings somewhere that could cause a positive reaction.

No guarantees, of course. It's like anything else in this business: You rolls your dices and you takes your chances.

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Comment by Peg Herring on September 28, 2009 at 10:07pm
And vice versa for all those men who are afraid to admit they pursue the unmanly pastime of reading fiction!
Comment by Dana King on September 25, 2009 at 5:50am
Jon, you got me thinking. Wouldn't a library be a great front for a cat house?
Comment by P.J. on September 24, 2009 at 6:29am
A library is a giant casino . . . so many books, so many chances to lose hours and days - sometimes with a winner, sometimes with a real loser. Just as gambling dens have choices (slots, blackjack, poker, keno, roulette, etc.) libraries have fiction, with all the subgenres; history; biography; science; drama . . . the list is almost endless. And this casino is FREE, I tell you, FREE!! Have you ever heard of a chapter of Readers Anonymous? We are just as addicted: My name is P.J., and I read.
Comment by Peg Herring on September 23, 2009 at 11:38am
Come on, Jon, have you been to a library lately? Computers, DVDs, CDs...
Comment by RONALD FEASEL on September 23, 2009 at 9:54am
as a retired salesman I know that beating the bushes will eventually pay off
Comment by Jon Loomis on September 23, 2009 at 12:05am
Some librarians tell me frankly that they don't get many people who read for pleasure...

So, why do they go to the library? Slot machines?

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