I have to admit, I'll be glad to say goodbye to 2008. It wasn't exactly the best year for me and mine. But before I "mentally" move ahead to 2009, there are some blessings I need to recall for this year. Kind of a reverse New Year's resolution. So, here are my top 10 blessings I'm thankful for in 2008, in random order:
1. My family is together and healthy.
2. My friends who love me despite my oddities. (Or maybe they love me because of them-lol)
3. My eldest is sharing her faith, done well on the ACT, and received her first college acceptance letter.
4. My extended family is healthy for the most part.
5. Hubby and I get to close a chapter in the nightmare ordeal we've lived for the past 6 years and move on to a rebuilding phase.
6. The outpouring from members of the industry in my time of need has reflected Christ-like love.
7. God's blessing on my writing career and having those contracts come when needed the most.
8. God's grace to get me through the hardest phase of my life so far.
9. God's love that lifted me when I felt I couldn't go on.
10. The changes in personalities that are for the better. Not just mine, but other family members as well.

Hope your 2008 was filled with many blessings. I'll post my goals for 2009 tomorrow

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