Yesterday I placed a The End on the 3rd book of Miki Radicci (Blood Like Cherry Ice). I feel accomplished and I'm looking forward to the editing and revising phase. I know most writers hate it, but I love sculping and tweaking the words so they have more of an imapct for the bigger picture.

So what do I have planned for 2013? Here are some of my goals:

1) Edit and release Blood Like Cherry Ice for the Fall of 2013

2) Release In a Darkened Sky Where Dreams Collide (Miki 2) for January 2013.

3) Start book 4 of Miki Radicci in Feb or March.

4) Release a book under an alias. I plan to put out my experimental work. Nothing to do with YA, but stuff I worked hard on that I want to see if I can find an audience for. Mostly it is absurdism, surrealism, and experimental writing.

5) Spread more of my work in Paper Back. Only half of my full length novels are in PB and just on Amazon. I'll place the in more stores.

6) Write more experimental shorts with a focus on 'word sculpting.' This is an exercise I discovered back in my New Absurdist Days. It's where you take a story you wrote, take all the spaces out, then place new spaces in, then use spellcheck to make new words, and then sculpt it into a story. It's as hard and tedious as it sounds.

Okay, that sounds like enough.

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