When you go through medical procedures these days, they often ask about your pain tolerance. I never know what to say, having not dealt with a lot of physical pain in my life. If I have a headache, I take something and it goes away. I don't know where that rates on a scale of 1 to 10.
What I do notice is that I'm losing my tolerance for idiots. It was never terribly high, maybe a 4, and now I find myself ready to scream at 2. Yes, I know we're not all educated to the same level; in fact I don't believe we can be, despite the No Child Left Behind stuff. But we could be taught to shut up when we don't have a clue what the truth is. To quote Twain, "It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
I know, I know, we have the right to our opinions and the right to free speech. I'd like to add a corollary to the Bill of Rights, though, something like "...freedom of speech if you've done your homework."
Yesterday I was in one of those situations where you can't help but overhear a conversation, and a man declared that "that asshole in Washington" was going to take all his money because "as soon as you get sick if you're old they're gonna take it all." Just one of the idiotic things we've all heard lately, but when you're sitting right there, it's hard to keep silent.
At least I can turn Fox News off. My tolerance for idiots is so low, you see.
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