Is Blogging a Waste of Time?
I’ve been asked that question three times in the last week.
Individuals have to make up their own minds. But until now I haven't blogged.
Overnight, Blogs initiate discussion, interviews or even reviews and Google Alert do pick up blog references. But if you already have an author/illustrator website as your shop-front window for publicising your books and talks, is blogging a waste of time for a writer? Or are you altruistically acting as a hub for others?
· Technically and financially, blogs are becoming more accessible. But if you spend your ‘writing’ time blogging, are you wasting hours which could be better spent on your major literary project?
· Is your blog a ‘warm-up’ for other work?
· Is it more than egotistical ramblings?
· Is your blog just about you, a significant challenge or about events involving others?
· If people link to your blog, does it sell more of your books? Or do you just have more links that may not be used much? A bit like thousands of unknown Facebook friends.
· For a professional, blogging is part of the free sharing of ideas. Is that what you wish to do? Or is a monthly web update fulfilling the same role of informing readers?
· Does learning how to blog, increase your electronic skills? Is this worthwhile in itself?
· Will others pay for your later published work, if you provide early freebies? Or will you provoke more interest in future paid publications?
· Does it matter at which stage of your career you are blogging? Beginning, mid-career, blooming or defunct?
· Is a blog a substitute diary? How personal is too much? Or is the aim info-tainment? Do you have paid ads on it?
· How often should entries be made?
· Any humour or wit, information or fascinating style?
I’ve decided against having a blog, but others argue that the fast uploading of photos and news works well for them. What do you think?
And which blogs do you consider visiting often and why?
Obviously I've been seduced into putting up this on a blog, and probably I'll be keen to come back and check if anyone has commented BUT I'm really using it as an excuse, not to get started on my REAL book.
is that what others do too?
Hazel Edwards co-authored’ Cycling Solo; Ireland to Istanbul’
ISBN: 1-92078592-2 with her son, from his ex-blog which was crafted into a book and the blog taken down!
Selling well with cyclists & adventurers who did not read the earlier blog.
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