Just Finished One Daunting Task and One New Endeavor

I had to change the email I've been using since 1990. Geez, I must have my name and books on over 1200 websites. I have no idea how it will play out. If you know me, I am no longer: campbell@arkansas.net but I am now: andreacampbell@hughes.net. Yes, believe it or not, I went from dial-up to satellite. I just hope my future success moves as f-a-s-t. Anyway, can I really change all site addresses I'm on? probably not. That's just the fallout I guess.

In a new vein: trying to gain more readers and continue profile establishment by "Article Writing." Yes, looking for more income too—books have become so devalued. I am the Home and Living Examiner (National) at Examiner.com (See: http://www.examiner.com/x-702-Home-and-Living-Examiner)

Please visit, leave comments, or subscribe. Apparently I am paid on "page views" so I need your support.

I've also written a ton (about 55 so far) of how-tos for http://www.ehow.com and my link there is: http://www.ehow.com/Search.aspx?s=AuthorAndrea&Options=0 although you can find more stuff by typing "Andrea Campbell" into the search engine. Same thing—I don't know how this will play out income-wise. If anyone is succeeding with this type of thing—article writing and syndication—I'd love to hear from you.

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Comment by Andrea Campbell on November 19, 2008 at 3:21pm

Hey, Hi. Yes, thanks for the suggestions. I do have a few domain names and the email boxes to go along with them. In fact, I have too many mail features and often tire of visiting them. I hope that I won't have to move this new address for another 18 years. People can generally find me though, I've been a web presence since 1990.

Nice to meet you and thanks for your suggestions.

Comment by Grant McKenzie on November 19, 2008 at 12:42pm
Hey Andrea:
This would be a good time to buy a domain name and set up your own email address. You can get a domain name for less than $20 per year and you can have all email sent to that domain automatically and invisibly redirected to whatever email service you happen to use. That way no matter what service you move to in the future, your email address and your website address will remain the same. It's actually quite easy to do, too. I've used http://www.mydomain.com in the past.

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