Literary Review: MOZART'S LAST ARIA 'lively, well-researched, very clever'

In the current edition of London's Literary Review, Jessica Mann leads her roundup of new crime novels with this praise for MOZART'S LAST ARIA, my historical thriller about the great composer's death: "Matt Rees has drawn a lively portrait of eighteenth-century Vienna and of characters whose names now live only because of their connection with the composer. This novel is well-researched, very clever and written in clean, suitably formal language...This is an even better mystery novel than the author's prize-winning series about the Palestinian detective Omar Yussef--and that's saying a lot."

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Comment by I. J. Parker on May 11, 2011 at 12:49am
Very nice indeed!  Congrats.  (What is "clean, suitably formal language"?)

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