More Marketing - Going Old School

These days thoughts of marketing are a near constant.  My motto has become “Do more today because what you did yesterday wasn’t enough.”  I’m always trying new thing, but recently I’ve been focusing on some old school methods.


It is largely accepted our society is such that technology literally changes from day-to-day. 


As of late the hot button approaches for marketing are twitter, facebook, websites and all things social media.  No matter what you’re doing online, it seems there is always one more option available.


Chances are you ended up on this blog entry from a social media site; however, I’ve been using a few decidedly low-tech approaches that have been amazingly successful. 


I’ve been targeting book clubs, independent bookstores, and even using some non-traditional retail outlets to expand exposure to The Trust


With book clubs I’ve reached out to friends and friends of friends who are in or know someone in a book club.  I have an excerpt from my book posted on my website and I direct them there. 


I’ve been prepared to prime the pump by giving away my book to help spread the word, but I’ve been fortunate that readers have been happy enough with the excerpt, and have read the entire book. 


When I’m asked where people can purchase the book,  I direct them to local independent bookstores even though it is available from all the major online booksellers.


Why you ask?  More on this in a moment.


I also offer to come to a book club meeting to speak about The Trust.  This has been one of the most successful and enjoyable things I’ve done in marketing my book.


Oh yes, the independent bookstores.  Decidedly low-tech.  I mailed out a postcard to the stores soon after publication, followed up with an email and then stopped by with book in hand.  On occasions when I’ve been traveling and have seen an independent bookstore, I’ll skip straight to the last step.  I walk in and introduce my book and myself.  After all, my book is a friendly book and likes to meet readers and booksellers.


I’ve encountered a couple of different reactions from the storeowners with this approach.


Some will, without even reading the book, take copies on consignment.  When they sell, they ask for more.


However, many of the booksellers will ask for a copy and then have someone will read it. 


If they like it, not only will they stock it but they will recommend it. 


Independent bookstores have fiercely loyal customers and if the owner says to read something the patrons listen.  This is also a great way to set up signings to meet even more readers. 


I also have several friends or friends of friends who retail stores and I’ve approached them.  They’ve been wonderful in not only stocking the book – generally the only or one of the few books in their store – but also in promoting it. 


I was even lucky enough to have had the opportunity to appear on a local market morning television show.


Social media has provided a reach for my novel and has helped me sell a number of copies that I never would have otherwise sold, but in an age where everyone is focused on the latest technology, we as writers need to remember that readers still like bookstores and like being talked to in person. 


Don’t overlook the old fashion face to face contact as one of the most tried and true methods of selling you books.


Oh and as long as you’re here, even though it isn’t in person, why not read an excerpt of The Trust or even buy a copy of your own.  A percentage of all sales will be donated to canine related nonprofits.  Support K9 rescues! 

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