Melanie D. Calvert-Benton and Gary L. Benton have announced the future
opening of Dancing Fox Publishing. Dancing Fox Publishing of Jackson,
Mississippi, will strive for excellence in the publishing field.

Gary a professional web designer is designing a web site and we should be
online within a couple of weeks. We will consider any writing genre, except
porn, or manuscripts with

We have decided to make our services free of any costs to the author until
published and then an industry standard percentage of each book sold
deducted. We are writing an author contract but have agreed that there
will be no reading fee, cover design fee, or other expenses usually
associated with a new book. We've grown tired of some publisher(s) attempting
to suck every penny from us they can.

Additionally, for the price of $100 Gary will offer each author a 3-page web
site, consisting of a home page, book information page, and contact page.
This not required for publishing by Dancing Fox Publishing, but simply an
offer to give the author a special price as well as some online visibility.

* For more information, contact Gary Benton at:

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