Before I forget, correction. I had the wrong figures on Friday. The quote calls for 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. The message is the same, just ignore the math. And thanks for noticing.
Anyway, my thought today is nice people. There just aren't enough of them in the world, and I often wish I were better at being one. On Saturday a man I'd never seen before gave me the nicest compliment I've had in months. He did it just to be nice, and it made me think what a great place the world would be if there were more people like that. People who always find something good and comment on it. People who listen. People who give you the benefit of the doubt. People who send lovely cards with sincere, personal messages. Those people.
Someone who read my short story in DYING IN A WINTER WONDERLAND expressed surprise that I have a "criminal" mind. I guess that's a compliment; she thought I was nicer than that. All I can say is that writers of crime fiction are generally nice people despite the evil thoughts that lurk in the creative segment of their minds. I haven't yet met a writer I was afraid of, although I suppose we're all capable of murder if the conditions are right (or wrong) enough.
It's the Christmas season now, so concentrate on being one of the nice people and try to ignore the gossips, the bombers, the fault-finders, and the just plain nasty. They're out there, but like Thurber's purple cow, I'd rather see than be one.
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