Pauline Rowson passes on tips on writing a novel to the Chiltern Writers Group

On Thursday 13 March I was welcomed by a very lively group of writers at the Chiltern Writers Group, Wendover, UK, where I was pleased to be able to pass on some tips and techniques on writing a novel.

Pauline Rowson explaining her system of writing her novels to Chiltern Writers Group

My talk was on the perfect system for planning, researching, plotting and writing a novel. I covered from concept to completion using mind maps, plot lines; developing and keeping track of characters, and factoring in research.

Pauline Rowson talking about developing characters to Chiltern Writers Group

Some lovely comments from those who attended.

"Thank you for the inspirational talk at Chiltern Writers Group, Wendover. Found it incredibly useful and will be using your tips!"

"Thanks for a fab talk at Chiltern Writers Group."

"Really helpful and inspiring."

"Many thanks to Pauline Rowson for her excellent talk at Chiltern Writers last night. A real inspiration to write more." Dave Sivers

You're welcome. Good luck with your writing.

Read articles on writing tips and watch Pauline Rowson's videosexplaining how she writes her crime novels.

To see all Pauline Rowson's events and appearances for 2014 and 2015 or to book her as a speaker please visit the Events Page.

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