I'm spending my days in a hospital this week, so I'm doing a lot of observing. You might call it eavesdropping, but I have to be there, and I can't close my ears, so there.

Anyway, it's great fodder for drama, the juxtaposition of tragedy (illness, death, emergency) with the daily routines of life (gossiping, laughing, teasing). I have never been able to comprehend how medical people do it, but I greatly admire those who are good at it.

Then there are the snippets you get of other people's lives: the phone call to let the rest of the family know that Dad's had a heart attack. The guy who simply has to tell everyone he meets that he hasn't slept for 36 hours. The kids who hang out near the TV set, not quite sure what to feel.

A girl could write a book, but it would probably be pretty depressing.

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Comment by I. J. Parker on April 15, 2009 at 1:15am
On the contrary, a little of that immeasurably enriches a novel.

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