I would be grateful if you would vote for my novel, The Trojan Project on The Peoples Book Prize.
Click on fiction and then on my book.
To vote you will need to register and they will immediately send you an obscure password to your inbox,which you will need before you can place your vote. This procedure is to make sure that no one person votes twice for the same book.
I doubt I will win, but it would be awful if The Trojan Project sat there with only my vote!!
Thank you for your support,

Views: 32


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Comment by Eileen Thornton on December 6, 2010 at 10:40pm
Thank you so much for your support, Brian.

Best wishes,
Comment by Brian L Porter on December 6, 2010 at 9:16pm

I've voted for you with great pleasure and wish you great luck with the contest. Some authors are very lucky and have achieved modest or great success but others need a little help along the way. These awards can be a great help in assisting authors to get their books noticed and there is nothing wrong in this day and age with a bit of 'blatant self-promotion'. With so many publishers doing very little to promote their authors books nowadays, it is up to the author to try and get their books in the public eye in every way they can, so, go for it, Eileen and I hope everyone will get behind you and help support your nomination. After all, isn't that what a community of writers exists for, to help one another in any way we can? As it happens, I have read The Trojan Project and found it to be one of the most exciting books I've read and I said so in a review I placed on Amazon.

Best wishes and good luck

Comment by Eileen Thornton on December 6, 2010 at 5:27am
Oh dear, I am so sorry that I have upset you. I am assuming that some people on here have read my book, as I have promoted it several times in different blogs. However, having said that, on the Peoples Book Prize site, there is the opportunity to buy the book before voting for it. There is also a short extract from the novel. This is the whole point of re-promoting it here.
I hope that clears up the point you have made.
Best wishes,
Comment by I. J. Parker on December 6, 2010 at 5:21am
Reading the book is unnecessary? This is what I'd call truly "blatant self-promotion". These kinds of awards give others a bad name.

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