Can't believe it. This is the 20th time I've had my story rejected. Talking about lowering your self esteem. I know keep trying but it's bloody hard. Sometimes I wonder if those editors can read. Or is there something wrong with my story. I've re written it, re written it, rewritten it about ten billion billion billion times and still they don't like it. Make me want to strangle the effers :(
In Australia we don't really have short story magazines. In fact, far as I know we don't have any. If we do have ANY short Crime Stories magazines, could someone point one out for me, anyone living here in Oz? Very much appreciated if there is one...

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Comment by Kevin A Harris on March 18, 2010 at 3:22pm
H Benjamin. That's what I've been doing. The online thing but the more rejection I get, the more I think: wonder if polish it up a bit more, it might work. I'm writing a novella and I am expecting a quite few knocks. Jack London, one of my favourite writers, was knocked back quite a lot until finally he got his first story published. But they were that slack that they didn't send him a copy of the magazine they published his story in. I'm not really looking at money, more of the experience of having something published. I remember once I had a great story published. They told me I'll get $150 for it. Sure, I got the magazine but where's the money? That was 15 years ago. I got ripped off badly. Took me a few years to get back into writing then I got a writer's block for FOUR YEARS until I went to Uni
Comment by Benjamin Sobieck on March 18, 2010 at 8:09am
Rejection is par for the course. Everyone gets rejected. Wait until you try shopping a novel. I got 20 rejections in a week one time, and it took nine months to find a home for my book.

The key to getting fewer rejections is to get more things published. And that means getting more rejections.

I'd go the online route. You might not get paid, but you'll probably reach more people. And the selection of publishers is much greater.
Comment by Kevin A Harris on March 16, 2010 at 2:32pm
so far I've a bloodied nose, three broken teeth and a dislocated knee cap from rejections. Hopefully I'll get a yes before I'm a corpse *L*
Comment by Kevin A Harris on March 16, 2010 at 2:31pm
you read submissions? Wow, I should crawl to you LOL.
Comment by Jack Getze on March 16, 2010 at 7:20am
I read submissions for Spinetingler Magazine, an online publisher of short crime and horror stories. I turn down many "good" stories because there was a "great" one I liked better.

It only takes one yes, Kevin. But if you're going to be a fiction writer, you can pretty much count on being beaten to a bloody pulp by rejection before you enjoy any success.
Comment by Kevin A Harris on March 16, 2010 at 5:23am
@J.E. Seymour- I am involved with a writer's resource. They helped me with a few problems, grammar etc. They thought the story had a good concept and was well written or thought out kinda thing. @Joh Loomis It's my baby but I have to agree, maybe I should give the story a rest and start something afresh. I'm writing a novella so I'm putting a lot of time and effort into that... funny how you said a different kettle of fish, that was the original title of my story, except fish is spelt with a Y as that's the name of my character, Harry Fysh...@ J.F.Juzwik, I get that every week and it's really good. Since I write supernatural/crime, it's handy to see what market is out there. Some are WAYYYYY out there as in weird :) or maybe it's me who's, it's them...well, thanks for the feedback everyone. I think I will give The Crowman a break, might even fix it up a bit, add some new bits or delete some bits :)
Comment by J. E. Seymour on March 16, 2010 at 4:10am
Are you in a writer's group? Do you have beta readers who can read it for you? It sounds like you need some feedback.
Comment by Jon Loomis on March 16, 2010 at 12:52am
I think after twenty rejections it might be a good idea to let this one rest a bit and move on to something new. You don't want to get too emotionally involved in the fate of a single short piece. Write a new one, even better. Or read something good. Or go have a beer. That said, my first novel was turned down by at least that many agents--at least the initial query was. But that's a slightly different kettle of fish.
Comment by J. F. Juzwik on March 16, 2010 at 12:42am
The Browse/Find by Title section on duotrope's site works. It would seem that the only thing you can't do right now is access their home page. But, like I said, I'm sure it will be resolved soon. In the meantime, you can browse through titles of publications and check out their websites.
Comment by J. F. Juzwik on March 16, 2010 at 12:33am
Have you tried It has tons of markets for just about anything and it's free. It's also has a submission tracker capability you can use. I believe they are currently working on the site (there is a problem with the server), but keep trying. Trouble with that site is a very rare thing. Give it a try.

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