Happy New Year to each and everyone of our friends. Bob and I hope you have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011.
This year is going to be an exciting one for us. Not only will 'Caffeine Nights Publishing' re publish 'Deadly Focus' in the spring but 'Consequences' will be out in the summer. I will keep you updated with dates and venues that we will be book signing. Although 'Consequences' stands alone it is also a sequel to Deadly Focus and we are writing two more books in the series at present. By looking at our publishers website you can sign up for an electronic newsletter which will also keep you up to speed with where we are throughout this year
www.caffeine-nights.com/rc-bridgestock.html and here you can also listen to our interviews on line - just scroll to the bottom of our authors page. Darren will update these as and when we do them so you don't miss any!
We will be out and about doing talks and book signing this year so hopefully we will meet up with some of you! It would be great to meet you! Please make yourself known if you come along!
December 2010 was busy with the Nigel Bird 'Sea Minor' interview on the 21st December
Bob also featured on BBC Radio Leeds on the Liz Green 'The Good & The Great of Yorkshire,' which is the old 'Desert Island Disc'.
Our next feature will be in the Jan. issue of All Mystery e-newsletter!
www.allmysteryenewsletter/ which is live on the internet 8th January 2011.
We have just submitted interview views with two other internet sites so keep looking at our page for those!
Here you can also follow our links to our website
www.rcbridgestock.com and read some of our reviews from home and abroad, authors and scriptwriters as well as National newspaper journalists.
I end where I began... Happy New Year to you and yours and let's all make 2011 a good one!
Carol & Bob
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