I read a lot of books about writing. I think it is an excuse for putting off the evil moment when I face a blank screen, and all the ideas I've been having disappear. I was trawling through Amazon, another way of not writing, when I stumbled over the following Title: ' It's a Dirty Job: Writing Porn for Fun and Profit.'
The front cover said includes paying markets. Who could resist? I just love paying markets, the very though of a cheque being pushed through my letter box just makes me feel shivery and warm all over.
The author Katy Terrega seems to be an all American Mom, who just happens to write porn for a living. And, judging from her words, quite a good one.
The book is small but packed with solid good advice that you can apply to any genre of writing. She suggests that writing 'filth,' is relatively easy...we've all had the odd...sometimes very odd, outrageous sexual fantasy. Even me. Give it a bit of a plot, and you have another saleable story.
Yippee! I thought, and rushed to my word processor...then I read the list of paying markets, the titles just put me off, yuck! My life as a porn queen hit the buffers there. I couldn't do it...not even for money.
But, I have a guilty confession: I keep creeping back, and having a crafty read, and I fear I might just succumb to temptation one day. Surely just one little one couldn't hurt? Could it?
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