Currently, I'm working on a non-fiction book about the business of pop culture, I'm writing a sci-fi adventure, and last night I got hit with the beginnings of a mystery story, that had me writing until 1:30 AM.

Goes to show, you can't really control inspiration, and you gotta go for it when it comes. I had been stewing the idea for a while, a sort of geeky take of the classical "cozy" structure, and I needed something to help intro the detective, the victim and the suspects, and last night it hit me like a hammer.

I gotta get back to work.

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Comment by J. F. Juzwik on December 9, 2008 at 2:52pm
I know the feeling; although, I've only got two things going right now. I'm currently trying to finish my NaNoWriMo tale. I finished with 50,000+ words on time, but couldn't complete the story by the end of the month. I like the story a lot and have plans to market it to several mystery magazines, but I need to finish it first. Then, there's my second novel for which I have completed 5 chapters, but it's getting more complicated than I originally had anticipated, so I've decided to draw up an outline for it. I'm outlining the whole thing from beginning to end.

It's so true that when the ideas come, you need to get them down. Maybe they will turn into something, maybe not, but if you don't at least start something, you will never know and you'll lose it. And there is no way we can let THAT happen. It's like being pulled in several directions all at the same time and I'm sure you love that as much as I do. And yes, you are right. Gotta get back to work!

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