Robert Colvert, working the night shift at the Burlington Northern train yards, was to be the first victim of Charlie Starkweather, the American spree killer who murdered 11 people in Nebraska and Wyoming together with his under-age girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate in the 1950's. Apparently Charlie had tried to buy a stuffed toy on credit for Caril and Colvert had refused. Starkweather returned to the Lincoln gas station a couple of times with a loaded shotgun in his trunk, then drove Colvert to an abandoned area where he was executed.
Starkweather was executed in 1959, Fugate was given a life sentence but paroled in 1976.

I'm not going to go very deeply into the case right now. Just wanna let you know that JournalStar has a special report on the Starkweather case where you can view photos, newspaper clippings and video interviews. Just follow the link to read it.

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