Yesterday I opened a box of Advanced Review Copies (ARCs) of my May, 09 release, To Hell in a Handbasket. Even though this is my second published novel, I was still thrilled to hold a professionally printed version of my words in my hands, complete with a beautiful cover, bio, cover blurb, acknowledgments, etc. Now comes the hard part of deciding which lucky reviewers I will send those very few copies to. :-) My publisher sends out a couple dozen ARCs to the big-name reviewers and my copies go to local newspapers, ezines, alumni magazines, etc. Next is the nail biting phase where I wait to see if I get any good reviews!

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Comment by Beth Groundwater on February 14, 2009 at 3:20pm
Yes, Crimewriter, it will be May of this year, and it's already available for preorder on the Barnes & Noble website--for 25% off for members! I'm hoping Amazon will get it up soon.
Comment by J. F. Juzwik on February 14, 2009 at 1:04pm
Congratulations, and wishing you great success. This will be released in May of this year? Please keep us posted with the status and availability. Joyce
Comment by Grant McKenzie on January 18, 2009 at 3:58am
Congratulations, Beth. I know what you mean by it being a thrill. Although, I have yet to experience the rush of opening a box of books, I have received two ARCs of my debut in the post: one in English, the other in German, and I was just (and still am) tickled by being able to hold each one in my hands.

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