I have a mystery story I'm developing. Got a nice twisty plot, some quirky characters, some nice twists, and potential for the sort of snarky satire I get noticed for. It looks like it can be a really fun project.

But there's a catch.

I hate the title I came up with. It takes place in and around a comic book convention, and all I could come up with was "Mint Condition Corpse." It just seems to on the money, and a little too cheeky, but it's the only part of this project that's stumping me.

Any suggestions? If I sell it I'll acknowledge your contribution. But no money! ;) :p

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Comment by D.R. MacMaster on April 27, 2010 at 11:11am
It is hard, because it's a very specific sub-culture (Comic book geeks, superheroes, conventions, expensive collectibles, etc.) with their own lingo, and I need something that acts as some sort of an intro to that sub-culture. "Funny" doesn't really act as that intro.

Usually titles just plop out for me, but this one's a struggle.
Comment by I. J. Parker on April 27, 2010 at 8:23am
Funny Money?
Comment by D.R. MacMaster on April 27, 2010 at 3:47am
The plot involves shenanigans over a comic book based big budget action movie which is doing publicity at the convention, and a scam selling bogus original artwork. One of the movie's cast ends up dead, and a comic-book artist ends up playing amateur detective to solve the case using his eye for tiny details, photographic memory, and ability to recall immense amounts of trivia.

Funny Business would be more appropriate if I was doing something about comedians, not comic book creators, publishers and fans colliding with big Hollywood money, tabloid culture, and naturally, murder.
Comment by I. J. Parker on April 27, 2010 at 12:40am
Funny Business is very good, but I believe it's been done. Yes, we need more detail.

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