Tuesday's Overlooked Film and/or Other A/V: 22 March 2011

Beware the Rhythm Cults!

Bill Crider: Daredevils of the Red Circle
Brian Arnold: Hear My Song and The Tortellis
Chuck Esola: Americathon
Eric Peterson: Pink Nights
Evan Lewis: "Carrotblanca"
James Reasoner: The Dead Don't Dream
Jerry House: Mr. and Mrs. North: "Comic Strip Tease"...and "Spring Man and the SS"
Randy Johnson: The Tall T
Scott Cupp: Allegro non Troppo
from Mystery*File: Steve Lewis: The Crimson Canary and David L. Vineyard: Soldier of Fortune (1955)
Todd Mason: For One Night Only: The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart et seq. (BBC Radio 4) and Mike Detective

and of related interest:
George Kelley: Inside Job and Stephen Sondheim: Finishing the Hat
Howard Hopkins: The Snoop Sisters
Jack Seabrook: Fredric Brown on Television (part 2)
Jackie Kashian: Eric Drysdale's The Man with F.E.E.E.T.
Paul Bishop: Iambik Audio's Complete Crime Collection No. 1

Tuesday's Overlooked Audio: FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY, Season 2, beginning...

BBC Radio 4 is offering a second season of Paul Gambaccini's fine series, For One Night Only, delving into how certain iconic live albums were recorded, and the season premiere is about The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart. (The next episode will be about B.B. King's Live at the Regal). If you've read, say, Gerald Nachman's Seriously Funny, the collection of profiles of the "new" comedians of the '50s and '60s, or otherwise much about Newhart, you might well've heard most of his contributions to the background info previously, though they are still well-presented and worth hearing again, but the material about the small Texas nightclub (actually blue-law evading "bottle club") where the album was recorded, and the risks that legendary music industry guy George Avakian, newly the head of a Warner Bros. Records struggling to shake their money-losing tradition as solely a source of novelty/pop records from WB tv actors, is where the half-hour told me some things I'd not previously encountered at all. I can heartily recommend this half-hour, and you might want to try it sooner rather than later, as Radio 4 will have it archived for only four more days, before offering the King/Regal episode on their webpage.

Mike Detective isn't quite up to the best of the Firesign Theatre's Nick Danger, Third Eye, but it is a joyful wordplay-heavy romp through as many hardboiled cliches as the writers can remember. I dig it, hope you will, too.

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