In the course of the last week I finished my first read through of The Beholder. This initial edit was all about cutting out any extraneous verbiage, and it resulted in the total word count falling from 106,000 to 96,000. For the most part, the stuff that got the chop was either odd words or sentences that simply weren’t needed, as they over described either the setting or the action.

I then moved on to stage two, which was to work through the assorted notes and comments I made whilst writing the book. These vary from simple points such as checking that I haven’t used the same phrase too many times to more complicated matters such as working in plot ideas/character beats throughout the course of the novel that occurred to me during the writing. The simple points I work through on the PC (the ‘find’ function in word comes in handy for this!), but I like to consider the more complicated matters with a printed copy of the manuscript, which brings me nicely to my final point on writing this week – when I print out a copy of a novel for the first time it always feels like a landmark event. Having the book in my hands as opposed to on the screen makes it seem more real to me somehow, and it gives me a real sense of achievement.

And finally, a quick word about one of the CD’s I was listening to last week – Sugar’s ‘Copper Blue’. This album was released back in 1992, and it soon became my all time personal favourite within a few weeks of getting it. Eighteen years later it’s still number one for me, which given the amount of music I’ve listened to over the years is some achievement (number two on my list by a hair’s breadth is ‘Beaster’, the six-track EP that Sugar released in 1993). For anyone out there that’s unaware of the band and has a love of loud guitars, I urge you to buy this record!


What’s Steve been listening to this week?
Copper Blue – by Sugar
Baby 81 – by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Silent Cry - by Feeder

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