As if my plate isn't full enough at the moment, my agent seems to have started offering my literary thriller again, because here are two rejections. One says "nicely written" but rejects because "our readers" aren't terribly interested in Prussia. The setting of the novel is 18th century Germany. Prussia is only involved because the novel begins at Freiberg (Saxony!) with the final battle of the Seven-Years war. This was won by Frederick of Prussia. The rest takes place near Lake Constance and in Mannheim.
So, I shot myself in the foot because I'm not writing about something people already know a lot about. Under normal conditions I'd just sneer at the thought. But conditions aren't normal when my books aren't selling. I am seriously considering making my characters British. I thought of making them American -- after all, some Americans did visit Germany in the 18th century -- but at the moment I'm pissed off at Americans for their cursed insularity that won't allow them to take an interest in anything but American people and American things.

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Comment by John Dishon on September 26, 2009 at 7:38am
That sucks, but isn't surprising. Maybe you'll have better luck with a British publisher?
Comment by Dana King on September 26, 2009 at 6:40am
I understand your dismay; most Americans probably don't know Prussia (or Saxony) is part of Germany.

Given current American tastes, maybe you could leave their nationality alone, but make them vampires.
Comment by Jon Loomis on September 26, 2009 at 5:38am
I can only tell you what's worked for me, IJ: sex, food, jokes and monkeys. Also, a secondary cast that carry on like Greek sailors on shore leave.

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