I hadn't.... Looks like a very interesting and informative program and not all that expensive either. I was especially interested in some of the links associated with the site. Great information. I was in a hurry earlier and should have mentioned that I have found your book Police Proceure and Investigation very straightforward and informative.I keep it on my desk as a ready reference.....Ed H.
Lee thanks for the invite....I have your book and refer to it often....I look forward to developing valuable contacts like you on this site....Ed Hamell
Thanks for the friendship, Lee. I look forward to checking out your book - even if most of my stories take place in the backwaters of Eastern Europe :)
Hi Lee,
Thanks for the invite. Have you ever attended the Cape Fear Crime Festival in Wilmiington, NC? Too bad they stopped doing it. It was great fun with good people.
Thanks for the invite Lee. Your book looks like a fantastic resource. I look forward to checking it out. Joining this site almost makes me eager for my MFA program to finish, giving me time for other creations!
Hi, Lee. How's your year been going since your recovery? I hope much better! Enjoying your book on police procedure. I'm thankful there's people like you who take the time to share your knowledge with civilians such as myself to lend more credibility to our writing.
Hi Lee,I'm very new to all of this, a babe in the woods, and also very technologically challenged. I live about 15 miles give or take, north of Boston. I'm just sticking my proverbial toes in the real literary water as of right now. It will be awhile before I produce anything substantiative, I'm sure. I hope to make many new friends here. I also see that we enjoy many of the same authors.
Thanks for the friend add. I actually just found and bookmarked The Graveyard Shift last week, lots of helpful information. Your police procedure book is already on my must-have list! Have a great day. Shannon
Hi, Lee. Enjoyed your article in the new SIC newsletter on search warrants. Will come in handy. Hope that you start the New Year in good health and stay that way throughout the year. Take care. Dawn
Sorry to hear that you had a rough time of it, but am glad you're better. Am enjoying your book very much. I'm on vacation this week, so I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers. Have a great Thanksgiving. You have been a great blessing to the mystery writing community!
Hi, Lee. I haven't been online for a while: was sick for a month with this intense cold/cough virus. How are you doing with recovery from your surgery? I hope you're doing much better now. Dawn
Hi, Lee. I just read in my MMA web group that you just had surgery. I hope that you recover quickly and will say a prayer for you tonight. Enjoying your book so far. Will give you mucho stars on Amazon when I've finished it. Hilarious scene on your first autopsy, but think I would've fainted, myself. Take care. Been too busy to be active in the ring the past Fall, but had to wish you well. Dawn
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Thanks for connecting! I wasn't aware of this website. I will be looking for your book, POLICE PROCEDURE. I know it would help me with my writing.
Hi Lee, Thanks so much for the invite. I am not here often enough. The reminder is greatly appreciated :)
Thanks for the invite. Have you ever attended the Cape Fear Crime Festival in Wilmiington, NC? Too bad they stopped doing it. It was great fun with good people.
Thanks for the invite.
Looking forward to your comments.
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